
"Human will live on mars by 2023"!!!

MARS ONE PROJECT:"Human will live on MARS by 2023.."

Mars One is a private spaceflight project led by Dutch entrepreneur, Bas Lansdorp, to establish a permanent human colony on MarsAnnounced in June 2012, the plan is to send a communication satellite and path finder lander to the planet by 2016 and, after several stages, land four humans on Mars for permanent settlement in 2023. A new set of four astronauts would then arrive every two years.
The project is endorsed by Nobel Prize-winning physicist Gerard 't Hooft.
Mars One became a not for profit foundation in early October 2012.
Dutch entrepreneur and co-founder of the Mars One Project Bas Lansdorp has his sights on sending the first humans to the Red Planet in 2023:
“Our plan to go to Mars has evolved quite a bit since we started. Right now, just about everyone we speak to is amazed by how realistic we have kept it. The next step is introducing the project to the world and securing sponsors and investors.....”


Begun in January of last year, the project went public in May with its website launch, after carefully putting together a feasible plan, including covering all bases with backup from established space companies. The business model? Revenue will be generated from a reality show that will broadcast the daily lives of the first settlers on the Red Planet...


Mars One plans to establish the first human settlement on Mars. According to their schedule, the first crew of four astronauts would arrive on Mars in 2023, after a seven month journey from Earth. Further teams would join their settlement every two years, with the intention that by 2033 there would be over twenty people living and working on Mars.
The show will send four trained astronauts (trained at desert stations prior to the launch), and then send an additional, humanity-chosen astronaut to Mars every two years. Sending the first four astronauts will cost roughly $6 billion.
The stigma of poorly-done reality shows come to mind; Mars One aims to counter that. In its own words, “Imagine that we had video recordings of Columbus’ journey in 1492!” Viewers worldwide would have to chance to witness how the pioneers land, set up their camp, learn to work, cooperate in an unknown environment, and adjust to their new, permanent home.
What about safety factors? According to the project’s website, “Living there [Mars] is comparable to getting by on Antarctica, and provides similar challenges. However, the South Pole now has a number of very advanced, large research stations that boast a great deal of modern facilities that provide a good quality of life. These looked very different 50 years ago. The Mars settlement will develop in the same way.”
So, is this for real? Over the past year the project has panned out the details on many important parts of the mission, including what companies would provide the necessary infrastructure (all confirmed as feasible) and how it would all logistically come together.

As of June 2012, the mission plan is as follows:
  • 2013: The first 24 astronauts will be selected; a replica of the settlement will be built for training purposes.
  • 2014: The first communication satellite will be produced.
  • 2016: A supply mission will be launched during January (arriving October) with 2,500 kilograms (5,500 lb) of food in a 5 metres (16 ft) diameter variant of the SpaceX Dragon. The fallback if this is not ready in time is either to use a 3.8 metres (12 ft) Dragon or to delay by two years.
  • 2018: An exploration vehicle will launch to pick the location of the settlement.
  • 2021: Six additional Dragon capsules and another rover will launch with two living units, two life support units and two supply units.
  • 2022: A SpaceX Falcon Heavy will launch with the first group of four colonists.
  • 2023: The first colonists will arrive on Mars in a modified Dragon capsule.
  • 2025: A second group of four colonists will arrive.
  • 2033: The colony will reach 20 settlers.
The Mars One website states that the team behind Mars One began planning of Mars One in 2011. The company states that they researched the feasibility of the idea with specialists and expert organizations, and discussed the financial, psychological and ethical aspects of it.

if you are interested.....anyone and everyone interested is welcome to apply..visit:


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