

Microsoft have shown off a prototype project, called the "Vermeer Interactive Display", where the research project combines Microsoft's Kinect motion sensing technology to allow you to directly 'touch' and interact with the virtual image being projected, which Microsoft describes as a '3D volumetric/light field display'.

What it does, is create an image between two facing parabolic mirrors, which then creates the optical illusion of a color 3D image floating above them, which can be viewed all the way round. This technology could eventually see the light of day for PC gaming, which would really give PC gaming something that consoles just couldn't have in the near future.
 Imagine a new next-gen RTS game where you could have one of these as a controller... or a new adventure game where you could have an additional display, or use for an interactive display. Maybe a Fallout-type, PIPBOY display, where you could press buttons to the side of you with the interactive display. All we need is one serious, thinking-outside-the-box developer to use this and it could really take off.
The ZCam is a video camera that can capture depth information (which is used to build the 3D model) along with video and is produced by 3DV Systems. The technology is based on the Time of Flight principle. In this technique, 3D depth data is generated by sending pulses of infra-red light  into the scene and detecting the light reflected from the surfaces of objects in the scene. Using the time taken for a light pulse to travel to the target and back, the distance can be calculated and used to build up 3D depth information for all objects in the scene.

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