

It may be the most widely circulated currency in the world, but what does all those stuff means?

The dollar symbol "$" evolved from the letters representing the american nation: US.
some people believe the words "NOVUS ORDO SECLURUM" (new order of the ages) link the dollar with the illuminati- a secret cultbelieved by some to control world events..
The date on the base of pyramid is 1776 in roman numerical- that's the year the US became an independent nation. an average one-dollar bill is in circulation for about 22 months.
There are 13 steps on the pyramid., to represent the 13 original american colonies.
There are 293 coin combination to change a dollar bill. the unfinished pyramid may symbolize that the US is still far from finished.
The spooky all seeing eye, on top of the pyramidhas inspired all kinds of conspiracy theories, because it looks like a symbol used by the  Freemasons Secret Society.
The latin phrase "ANNUIT COEPTIS" above the pyramid translates as, "God has favoured our undertaking."

In the eagle's beak there is a ribbon which reads "E PLURIBUS UNUM" which means "from many, one".
The shield in front the eagle is not supported, to represent the idea that the country can stand on it's own.
The eagle holds an olive branch in it's claws. It's head points towards the olive branch to show a desire for piece, but if things go wrong, there are allaws the arrows..
The number 13 pops up all over the place, 13 stars above the eagle , 13 letters in two of the latin phrases, 13 vertical bars on the shield, 13 stripes at the top of the shield, 13 leaves on the olive branch, 13 olives, and 13 arrows..

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