

                                        CHEYENNE MOUNTAIN COMPLEX
The cheyenne mountain complex

The cheyenne mountain complex is situated at cheyenne mountain air force station(CMAFS), a short distance from NORAD and USNORTHCOM headquarters at peterson air force base in colorado springs, colorado. cheyenne mountain air force station falls under air force command and hosts the activities of several of tenant units.
Deep inside the mountain in colorado, in a huge cavern blasted  out of solid granite, is a secret military base. On the surface it just looks like any other tree covered mountain, but get passed the security guards and you will find your way into an entire underground city. Although the base is no longer a major command center, the military personnel once stationed here constantly monitoredpotential threats to the united states. It was always staffed with 5 crews of 40 people, but could accomodate 800 people in the event of an attack.

Let’s take a tour of the base in its heyday..
The tunnel entrance is the only sign of what lies hidden underground.
Deep into the mountain, a huge pair of 3-ft. thick steel door protects the complex from a nuclear blast. Each door weighs 24 tons(22 metric tons).

The building floats on 1,319 strong steel springs the can soak up the vibrationof a nuclear explosion by squeezing or stretching more than 1 ft. (30 cm.) in length.

The missile warning center(MWC) is at the heart of america's defence against nuclear attack, detecting missiles launched anywhere in the world.

The north american aerospace defence command (NORAD) scans the skies night and days for threats., including terrorist planes and spacecraft.

The space defence operation center(SPADOC) keeps tabs on every single one of more than 8,500 objects orbitting the earth in space, from space stations to loose bolts.

The combined intelligent watch center (CIWC) looks for any potential danger to the united states around the world, from any source.

The national warning facility monitors the country for signs of civil unrest and protests movements.

Metal walls on the chamber and building shields the complex from the electromagnetic pulse of a nuclear explosion.

The pharmacy stocks a vast range of medication- from headache medicine to lifesaving drugs.
there is also a hospital that has a fully functional operating room in case of an emergency.

In the event of a big explosion at the surface, blast valves, built in to all the pipes outside, can detect pressure and snap shut instantly, seeling of the complex from damage or contamination.

During peace time electricity is fed into cheyenne mountain complex from local power plants. In emergency, six big 1,750 kilowatt, diesel powered generators kick in.

Water is stored in 4 huge underground pools, each holding up to 1.8 gallons.It is patrolled constantly by a world's smallest fleet- a single rowboat.

The weather center watches the weather , using data fed from satellites and weather stations.

The air intake have sophisticated filters to remove germs and dangerous radiations and chemicals..

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