

Georg Joachim de Porris, also known as Rheticus (16 February 1514 – 4 December 1574), was a mathematiciancartographer, navigational-instrument maker, medical practitioner, and teacher. He is perhaps best known for his trigonometric tables and as Nicolaus Copernicus's sole pupil. He facilitated the publication of his master's De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres).
 In 1540 he printed a summary of heliocentric ideas in the Narratio primaand in 1542 supervised publication of the trigonometric sections of Copernicus's masterpiece De revolutionibus. He subsequently persuaded Copernicus to publish (1543) the entire work. To mathematics he contributed Opus palatinum de triangulis, in which for the first time trigonometric functions were related to angles rather than to the arcs of circles.

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