

It was 1976, and Viking I was sending its latest images. Among a number of similar hillocks and mesas in a region of Mars called Cydonia Mensae, one feature stood out. It was a clear rendering of a human face. NASA engineers loved it; they passed it around, put it out for publication, and had all sorts of fun with it. But what they hadn't anticipated was that some in the public thought it was actually an artificially carved human face, despite the accompanying explanation that it was just a hill that happened to have this funny resemblance to a face when the light was at a certain angle. One of it most important distinguishing features, a nostril, was only one of many black dots that actually represent missing data in the image. Before long, to the dismay of astronomers worldwide, there was a firmly established pop-culture belief that there was a real gigantic human face on Mars, carved in perfect detail by aliens.
As the decades wore on, better cameras took better images, finally culminating in the 2001 image taken by the Mars Global Surveyor, with a super high resolution of about six feet per pixel.The Cydonia "face" turns out to be merely an unremarkable hill, with plenty of natural random variations on its surface, and no longer looks anything remotely like a face or any other kind of carving. However you can see the general contours that made up the facial features in the original image. While those black dots of missing data in the original image gave the illusion of sharp focus, the image is now shown to have been extremely blurry. Although a two-dimensional view of the hill does have the appearance of some symmetry, the improved image shows that it's nowhere near as symmetric as it appeared to be in the original blurry image.
The popular belief in an artificial sculpture would probably have never emerged if not for the writings of conspiracy theorist Richard Hoagland. Hoagland saw the original image, immediately concluded that an artificial carving was the only reasonable explanation, and wrote the book Monuments of Mars claiming that the Cydonia face is only one of many artificial structures on Mars, including pyramids and whole cities. He claims that NASA has exhaustive photographic evidence of all such structures, but that they cover them up and suppress them to avoid the mass panic that would inevitably ensue should Hoagland's claims be proven. Other claims of Hoagland's include taking credit for designing the plaque that was on Pioneer 10, which was done by Carl Sagan and which Hoagland had nothing to do with; that he first conceived the idea of subsurface oceans on Europa in a 1980 article, even though scientists including Isaac Asimov had been proposing this throughout the 1970's; and that a concept involving trans-dimensional energy that he calls "hyperdimensional physics" is correct and that every educated and professional scientist is wrong about the nature of the universe. Since he has positioned himself as the leading public advocate for NASA's evil coverups and the "truth" about Martian civilization.
Geological features that happen to look like faces, people, or other objects are not rare. In Alberta Canada, there's a figure called the Badlands Guardian that, when viewed from the air, looks astonishingly like a Native American wearing a full headdress and listening to an iPod. In fact, it looks way more like a person than the Cydonia face ever did on its best day. Why hasn't Richard Hoagland claimed that somebody carved the Badlands Guardian? That would be a lot more plausible. He probably doesn't make that claim because it would be testable and easily falsified.
But the Badlands Guardian is only one example. The Old Man of the Mountain in New Hampshire looked just like the profile of a man jutting out from a cliff until it collapsed in 2003. North Carolina has a giant head sitting on a cliffside ledge called the Devil's Head. Sundance, Wyoming is home to the Old Man of the Park, and the Absaroka Range in Montana features an amazingly life like face called the Sleeping Giant near Livingston. From the day the first protohuman looked into the sky, we have marveled at the Man in the Moon, the largest facelike structure known.
Although some of these features are pretty astonishingly realistic, they don't even have to be. Your brain will still say "Face", even if it's as indistinct as the Cydonia face. This is a perceptual phenomenon called pareidolia, which is the tendency for the brain to see order in randomness. The famous Rorschach inkblot test is based on pareidolia. Pareidolia causes cryptozoologists to see crouched Bigfoots in forest photographs. It causes us to see a face made of headlights and grills on the front of a train or a truck, or the face of the Virgin Mary on a piece of toast. Pareidolia means that any two dots and a line, like those on the Cydonia face, will shout "eyes and mouth" to a human brain. Carl Sagan proposed that brains are hardwired to see faces. Without the phenomenon of pareidolia, no drawing less than a Rembrandt masterpiece would be recognizable as a face.
But let's even set pareidolia aside, and just look at the original blurry photograph of the Cydonia face. The face is about one square kilometer. The entire surface of Mars is about 150 million square kilometers. Thus, if we postulate that the Cydonia face is about a one-in-a-million oddity, probability dictates that somewhere on the surface of Mars, some 150 one-kilometer areas bear some equally improbable likeness. How many fist-sized rocks are there in a square kilometer of Martian surface? A million, maybe? If one in a million fist sized rocks bears some resemblance to J. Edgar Hoover, we should expect to find 150 million fist-sized rocks on the surface on Mars that look like J. Edgar Hoover. By the sheer weight of large numbers, it's a virtual certainty that the surface of Mars has natural structures that look like human faces, elephants, and Ferraris, when viewed from certain angles. By the same law, you'll also find these things on Venus, Titan, Pluto, and Halley's Comet.
  1. It doesn't actually look anything like a face.
  2. Pareidolia gives us pretty loose parameters to decide what qualifies as a face.
  3. Probability absolutely requires hundreds of startlingly good faces on Mars, and on any other planet.
  4. We've never found any evidence of sculptor civilizations on Mars. 

"Human will live on mars by 2023"!!!

MARS ONE PROJECT:"Human will live on MARS by 2023.."

Mars One is a private spaceflight project led by Dutch entrepreneur, Bas Lansdorp, to establish a permanent human colony on MarsAnnounced in June 2012, the plan is to send a communication satellite and path finder lander to the planet by 2016 and, after several stages, land four humans on Mars for permanent settlement in 2023. A new set of four astronauts would then arrive every two years.
The project is endorsed by Nobel Prize-winning physicist Gerard 't Hooft.
Mars One became a not for profit foundation in early October 2012.
Dutch entrepreneur and co-founder of the Mars One Project Bas Lansdorp has his sights on sending the first humans to the Red Planet in 2023:
“Our plan to go to Mars has evolved quite a bit since we started. Right now, just about everyone we speak to is amazed by how realistic we have kept it. The next step is introducing the project to the world and securing sponsors and investors.....”


Begun in January of last year, the project went public in May with its website launch, after carefully putting together a feasible plan, including covering all bases with backup from established space companies. The business model? Revenue will be generated from a reality show that will broadcast the daily lives of the first settlers on the Red Planet...


Mars One plans to establish the first human settlement on Mars. According to their schedule, the first crew of four astronauts would arrive on Mars in 2023, after a seven month journey from Earth. Further teams would join their settlement every two years, with the intention that by 2033 there would be over twenty people living and working on Mars.
The show will send four trained astronauts (trained at desert stations prior to the launch), and then send an additional, humanity-chosen astronaut to Mars every two years. Sending the first four astronauts will cost roughly $6 billion.
The stigma of poorly-done reality shows come to mind; Mars One aims to counter that. In its own words, “Imagine that we had video recordings of Columbus’ journey in 1492!” Viewers worldwide would have to chance to witness how the pioneers land, set up their camp, learn to work, cooperate in an unknown environment, and adjust to their new, permanent home.
What about safety factors? According to the project’s website, “Living there [Mars] is comparable to getting by on Antarctica, and provides similar challenges. However, the South Pole now has a number of very advanced, large research stations that boast a great deal of modern facilities that provide a good quality of life. These looked very different 50 years ago. The Mars settlement will develop in the same way.”
So, is this for real? Over the past year the project has panned out the details on many important parts of the mission, including what companies would provide the necessary infrastructure (all confirmed as feasible) and how it would all logistically come together.

As of June 2012, the mission plan is as follows:
  • 2013: The first 24 astronauts will be selected; a replica of the settlement will be built for training purposes.
  • 2014: The first communication satellite will be produced.
  • 2016: A supply mission will be launched during January (arriving October) with 2,500 kilograms (5,500 lb) of food in a 5 metres (16 ft) diameter variant of the SpaceX Dragon. The fallback if this is not ready in time is either to use a 3.8 metres (12 ft) Dragon or to delay by two years.
  • 2018: An exploration vehicle will launch to pick the location of the settlement.
  • 2021: Six additional Dragon capsules and another rover will launch with two living units, two life support units and two supply units.
  • 2022: A SpaceX Falcon Heavy will launch with the first group of four colonists.
  • 2023: The first colonists will arrive on Mars in a modified Dragon capsule.
  • 2025: A second group of four colonists will arrive.
  • 2033: The colony will reach 20 settlers.
The Mars One website states that the team behind Mars One began planning of Mars One in 2011. The company states that they researched the feasibility of the idea with specialists and expert organizations, and discussed the financial, psychological and ethical aspects of it.

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Do you want to live forever in a robotic body? 
If Russian entrepreneur Dmitry Itskov is to be believed he already has plans that will allow humans to inhabit robots in the next ten years.
Itskov, a 31-year-old Russian media entrepreneur already claims he has already hired 30 scientists to make his dream of human immortality come true.

A Russian businessman is calling on the world’s richest people to help fund a project to develop human immortality technology by 2045.
The project aims to eventually develop the means to download the human brain to a computer chip in a robot.
Dmitry Itskov, 31, launched the project last year and last week sent out the call for funding.
“Members of the Forbes richest list: human life is unique and priceless. It is only when we have to part with life do we realise just how much we have not done, that we have not had enough time to do what we really wanted… Today you have a chance to change this situation.”
The 2045 team of Russian scientists will research how to extend human life “by means of cybernetic technology” in four steps.
From 2015 to 2020 the team hopes to develop robots, reminiscent of the 2009 movie Surrogates, which can be controlled by the human mind and allow people to work in dangerous situations.

By 2020 to 2025, Mr Itskov and the scientists hope the technology to transfer an intact human brain from a worn our human body into a robot will be available.
From 2030 to 2035 he hopes the technology to transfer human consciousness onto a computer chip will exist and allow for “cybernetic immortality”.
By 2045 the goal is for “substance independent minds” where people’s minds could have bodies with perhaps superpower-level abilities.
The 2045 team predicts the human species will change forever.

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Is there life out there? - Other Earth-like or habitable planets, is there alien life? 
Until recently, the scientists would (quite rightly) point out that there is no universally accepted definition of life, let alone of intelligence. Any talk of smart extraterrestrials, belonged in science fiction. Today, understanding of the cosmos has changed so much that for the first time searching for signs of life in other solar systems is not just a philosopher's dream but on the list of planned human endeavours. Some think we will find some form of life on our doorstep. Prof John Zarnecki of The Open University bullishly told the minister: "My position is very simple. We will find extinct or some life in the solar system." He believes primitive bugs, or their remains, will be found in 2015 when a European Space Agency mission will land on Mars to dig into its dusty red surface. After all, once upon a time Mars was a warmer, wetter and more comfortable place. And he has high hopes for a future mission to the icy moon Europa, the heart of which is warmed by tidal forces as it orbits Jupiter. "We shall find life on Europa in 2023," he told us with determination. Our own planet proves that life can flourish quickly. The first creatures evolved on primordial Earth with indecent haste, only half a billion years or so after its birth 4.5 billion years ago, and microbes have now been found in the most inhospitable nooks and crannies, able to dine on wet rock or thrive without sunshine. This prompted Dr Ian Stevens of the University of Birmingham to speculate that other planets must support life, too: "My guess is life is common out there." But it is the discovery of almost 300 worlds orbiting distant stars that has excited experts the most. Their rising confidence that the conditions might exist somewhere for the development of intelligent alien life comes from their conviction that they will find many Earth-like planets that are in what they call the "Goldilocks zone". There are formidable challenges facing planet hunters given the vastness of our cosmos. The most distant man-made object is Voyager 1, launched 30 years ago and now around 10 billion miles away. While it takes light a day to travel from the aged probe to Earth, the glow of the nearest star takes four years, while the light from most stars we can see at night takes hundreds, or even thousands of years to reach us. Spotting a planet in orbit around these points of light is a daunting task, likened to detecting the glow of a lighthouse keeper's cigarette from miles away when the beam of his lighthouse is shining directly at you. But in 1992, scientists realised that it was possible to find distant worlds when Alexander Wolszczan of Pennsylvania State University found a planet orbiting a neutron star (the remnant of a stellar explosion). Of all the places that astronomers expected to find alien planets, this was not one of them. "It was a ridiculous place to have a planet," said Dr Stevens. "But it was there." Three years later, a team working at the Geneva Observatory in Switzerland made headlines worldwide when they found something like our own solar system, a planet orbiting an alien sun called 51 Pegasi. Planet hunters rely on measurements of exquisite precision to find alien worlds. They search for the minute effects of an orbiting body on its parent star - a drop in brightness as the planet passes in front (the transit method), or a tiny shift in starlight, caused by a wobble in the star's position as it is tugged by the gravitational pull of its planet. The effects are subtle: our own Sun moves at a baby's crawl in response to the gravity of the Earth as it zips around at 67,000 miles per hour. The CoRot mission blasted off last December carrying the first telescope capable of finding rocky planets only a few times the size of the Earth around sun-like stars using the transit method. To detect such a planet, the one-foot telescope would have to register a tiny dimming lasting a few hours, every time the planet goes around the star, said Dr Suzanne Aigrain of the University of Exeter. It will take more sophisticated space telescopes to reveal an Earth-like twin with oxygen and liquid water, but CoRot is expected to show where to look for one within months. In about 15 years, a European Space Agency mission called Darwin will send a flotilla of telescopes above our turbulent atmosphere to scan 500 stars within a distance of 60 light years from us, then study 50 alien planets to seek signs of life, in the form of bacteria, plants or animals. Prof Glenn White, of The Open University and Rutherford Appleton lab, said: "We are pretty sure that we will have an extremely high probability of telling you whether life has started on a planet. By around 2020 we will have very definitive answers." Dr Michael Perryman, of the European Space Agency, added that even now it is possible to analyse light from an alien planet, "which is staggering". Seeing abundant oxygen would be encouraging, since oxygen reacts rapidly and gets destroyed. If found with other gases, notably ozone, nitrous oxide and methane, it would suggest a "biosphere" teeming with creatures. Although he was the only scientist present who doubted there was intelligent alien life, arguing that Earth's circumstances are too special to be replicated, Dr Perryman said he would not be surprised if biologists soon reported signatures that hinted at habitable planets. What kind of life do we expect? The smart money is on most aliens being microbes. But no one can rule out the possibility of higher life forms. Or that they could thrive in pools of liquid methane, on dry dusty worlds, be silicon based, or even waft about as organised clouds. What should we do if we detect a message from an alien? "This will have profound consequences for how we see ourselves," says Prof Keith Mason, chief executive, Science and Technology Facilities Council. The news will not reach the public until a process of verification and approval is exhausted, in the best tradition of earthly bureaucracy. Leaks to the press seem likely, given the Byzantine notification process in the 1989 "Declaration of Principles Concerning Activities Following the Detection of Extraterrestrial Intelligence". But all this talk of what we will do is very one sided. Dr Perryman told the minister that aliens could now be eavesdropping on our radio and television. "As from 1927, we have been propagating outwards from Earth, a very specific indicator of our existence." These radio waves have since travelled 80 light years out into the universe."That is going to encompass many hundreds of potentially habitable planets," he said. "If there is intelligent life out there, they sure as hell know we are here."
In an effort to find intelligent civilizations, we have to assume that they're a bit like us, so the first thing we look for are radio waves. The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) has been doing this for 50 years, carefully listening for any ET call home. If humans communicate via radio waves, there's a good chance that another intelligent civilization has done the same. Alas, apart from one isolated case, SETI has turned up zero evidence for the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence. This means we are either wrong to be listening out for ET's radio transmissions, we haven't given it enough time or (and this is the downer) there's no other intelligent life out there. There have been numerous attempts at "Active SETI" or Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence (METI), where we transmit our presence to the cosmos. The most basic of these methods was to attach our information to the Voyager and Pioneer probes in the 1970s. This space-age "message in a bottle" has a very limited probability of ending up in the hands of an alien species. However, more recent modes of communication have included beaming our own radio waves into space attempting to make contact. It's also worth remembering that our planet started to get "radio noisy" when we started transmitting radio and television signals about 100 years ago. Some of these transmissions will have "leaked" into space. Therefore, if anyone is looking for us within 100 light-years from Earth, they might have already heard us. However, 100 light-years is very small in cosmic distances. For a galaxy measuring 100,000 light-years across, our signal has only reached 0.1 percent of the Milky Way. So what if we start blasting out signals advertising our presence? To assume alien civilizations will be friendly and welcome us with open arms seems grossly naรฏve. As Hawking points out, if there's one thing we've learned from our own evolution, although we might have the best of intentions, we've rarely "come in peace."
Mankind is all about resources; imagine if a more advanced civilization sees Earth as a bountiful supply of sustenance and sees our civilization as nothing more than ants crawling over a big juicy apple. Wouldn't they just wash us off? And so this is where Hawking leaves us, pondering our fascination with broadcasting our presence into space. Wouldn't it just be better for us to stay as quiet as we can, listening rather than shouting from the rooftops?
Personally, I think Hawking has a point. Although it may take millions of years for our signal to reach an intelligent ear, if that ear isn't a friendly one, we've basically decided our future-Earth's fate.

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The main kinds of aliens that most people speak of today are the Greys, the Reptilians and the Nordics.

The Greys

The most well-known of alien types, the grey alien is typically described as a very thin being with an oversized head compared to body size. They stand 3 ½ to 6 feet tall and weigh anywhere from 50 to 90 pounds.


Hollywood and science fiction novels have done a very good job of portraying images of the Grey’s appearance: large, bulbous forehead with bulging, unblinking eyes. Skin is pale gray and wrinkly. Those who have encountered this type of alien characterize their skin as having the texture of an ocean mammal like a dolphin or whale. There are no ears or indentations on the side of head where something that allows for hearing can be located. Some accounts have described them as having 3 to 4 fingers, webbed hands and feet.

Their primary method of communication seems to be through telepathy. Past alien encounter stories indicate that most people could hear them speaking in their mind or even just a sense of knowing what the Grey was communicating although no sound was coming from the alien’s mouth.

Star Map of Greys' Possible Origin

Betty Hill's Original Drawing & UFO Marjorie Fisher's star map
Betty Hill's Original Drawing & UFO Marjorie Fisher's star map

The origin of this type of alien being came from a star map drawn from abduction memories brought back during the hypnosis of Betty Hill. UFO researcher Marjorie Fish analyzed the information and came up with a hypothesis that the Grey aliens’ home base is a pair of stars known as Zeta Reticuli. The stars are about 220 trillion miles away from earth. Sometimes Greys have been also been called the Zeta Reticulans and Zeta Reticuli aliens.

For the most part, the Greys seem to be scientific observers interested in the study of other life forms in the universe. They perform tests and medical evaluations upon their human subjects and then free them.
The Grey Agenda
From other alien encounter stories, it has also been postulated that the Grey alien race is dying due to the fact that they were originally cloned by another race of alien called the Reptilians. The Reptilians apparently created the Greys and forced them into servitude. That is until the Grey aliens formed a rebellion and escaped to wander the universe thus finding their way to planet Earth. Conspiracy theorists also believe that the Greys were the ones originally found in Roswell, New Mexico, and that this species made an agreement with the U.S. government. They offered advanced technology in exchange for the ability to be able to experiment with human subjects through genetic engineering to prevent extinction of their race. This theory explains why the majority of alien encounter stories are usually about the Grey alien race.

The Reptilians

There are numerous theories about another race of aliens known as the Reptilians. One is that the Reptilian race comes from the constellation of Draco while another is that ancient astronauts seeded earth with Reptilian aliens so that we also have a subset of the species dwelling here on the earth since ancient times.

Reptilian Alien Description

Only about 20% of alien abductions account for Reptilian
encounters, but from these reports, the earth dwelling Reptilian beings or Reptoids are described as humanoid and stand about 6 to 9 feet tall. Their human like body is very muscular with long arms and legs, and each hand has 3 long fingers and one thumb. Their skin has dark green to brown scales. Apparently some reports say they also have tails.

The earth Reptoid’s facial features differ somewhat from the typical, more widely known grey alien. With a slightly cone-like head, they appear to have bony ridges beginning at the forehead all the way tow
ard the back of the skull. There are slits in the nasal area for breathing as well as slits where you would expect ears to be found. There are also two different descriptions of eyes. Both are large, however, some are colored black with pupils that have vertical slits (think lizards & snakes) while others are described as white with flaming slits for pupils.

The alien Reptilian alleged to originate from Draco differs from Reptoids, its earth dwelling relative. While their height is also between 6 and 9 feet, this alien species also has wings made of bone covered with scales that span 6 to 7 feet. Their body structure is similar to the earth Reptilian except they have been sighted with horns on their head and sometimes along the length of the spine. Certainly this description could easily fit the myth of dragons and winged gods found in ancient texts of Chinese, Greek and Indian origins.
Four dragon kings: Ao Ch'in, Ao Jun, Ao Kuang and Ao Shun.
Four dragon kings: Ao Ch'in, Ao Jun, Ao Kuang and Ao Shun.
Source: Javewu on Taoism

Ancient Texts about Reptilians?

Chinese – In Chinese mythology, dragons had the ability to shape shift into human form. Their kings were the dragon rulers of the four seas: north, south, east and west and similar to stories about Reptilians would attack the people without provocation. Temples of honor were built for these kings to appease them. (picture).


Greek – The first king of Athens was Cecrops I, who many said was half snake. In the Pergamum temple, images of men with the legs of serpents are prevalent. The Greek god of the north wind was Boreas, and he was described as having wings and legs made of serpents.
A Hoysala sculpture of a Naga couple.
A Hoysala sculpture of a Naga couple.
India – Indian scriptures cite the legend of the Naga, who were a reptilian people living underground and communicating with humans. They also referred to them as the Sarpa.

The Reptilian Agenda

Reptilian abductees claim that this alien type uses fear and force to coerce and intimidate their human captives. Conspiracy theories abound that the Reptilian is a malevolent group seeking dominion over not only our world but others all around the universe; that they cloned Grey aliens as a slave race and now plan to do the same to humans. Believers in this theory claim that the Reptilians live in the 3rd, 4th and 5th universal dimensions and feed on negative energy and also attempt to cause conflicts in our world.

David Icke, a British writer, believes that Reptilians have interbred with humans to form a sort of “elite” class that is now in power and infiltrated all governments, businesses, banking and even the royal families. They are apparently able to shape shift to hide their true identity. Their agenda is a take over of the planet by causing worldwide conflict so as to feed off the negative energy supplied from human misery & occupation as well as corrupting humanity with their evil intentions. The earth dwelling Reptoids supposedly dwell deep underground and in caves, and work toward interrupting the Draco Reptilian’s evil agenda to take over this world.

The Nordics

Described as humanoid extraterrestrials, the Nordics, also called Blondes, have a very human like appearance and stand anywhere from 5½ feet to 7 feet tall.


Nordic Alien Description

The Nordics always have blonde hair with light eyes. Most  typical shade of eye color is blue, however, reports have also described violet, pink, red, purple and green. Known to be in great physical shape and extremely attractive to humans, they can easily pass for human when seen from a distance. They communicate with telepathy and telekinesis.

Origin of the Nordics

The Nordics come from the Pleiades star cluster some 400 light years from Earth. Some of the first stories about these aliens came from Billy Meier of Switzerland, who claims he had several visits with them beginning in the 1940s. The majority of his information, however, comes from discussions made in the late 1970s, early 1980s with a female Pleiadian named Samjese. According to his story, their home planet is called Erra, which is in a different dimension than ours. They are an ancient humanoid race that discovered our planet in around 225,000 B.C. 

The Nordic Agenda

Nordics are silent watchers of Earth, and their purpose is to enlighten by providing spiritual revelation and warn humans about behaviors that could potentially lead to catastrophe including issues surrounding actions by the Grey aliens and Reptilians. Some proponents say that ideas within the New Age movement were given to us by the Nordics.

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In philosophyreligionmythology, and fiction, the afterlife (life after death) is the concept of a realm, or the realm itself (whether physical or transcendental), in which an essential part of an individual's identity or consciousness continues to reside after the death of the body in the individual's lifetime. According to various ideas of the afterlife, the essential aspect of the individual that lives on after death may be some partial element, or the entire soul, of an individual, which carries with it and confers personal identity. Belief in an afterlife, which may be naturalistic or supernatural, is in contrast to the belief in eternal oblivion after death.
 Across the ancient world, most ethnic groups held afterlife beliefs about preservation of consciousness after the death of one's body, and this belief survives to this day in most religions. With the help of the scientific method and centuries of experimentation since the Enlightenment, it was determined that consciousness is a component of the functioning brain, synthesizing thereby the modern scientific concept of consciousness as a product of the brain that like all other brain functions ceases as the brain dies.

As is uncontroversial in scientific circles, the mind or psyche, as well as consciousness and personality, is a product of the functioning brain. During brain death, which is typically bound to occur in as few as 3 minutes after cardiac arrest, all brain function halts permanently. The implication is that the mind fails to survive brain death and ceases to exist.
As a dependent variable, the unlikeliness of an afterlife may be inferred provided that the same may be done with its aforementioned premise: the identity of mind as a component of the functioning brain.
In the famous case of Phineas Gage, a 25-year-old man survived destruction of one or both frontal lobes by a projectile iron rod and went on to manifest pronounced changes in personality, suggesting a correlation between brain states and mental states. Similar examples abound; neuroscientist David Eagleman describes the case of another individual who exhibited escalating pedophilic tendencies at two different times, and in each case was found to have tumors growing in a particular part of his brain. The amygdala processes reactions to violations concerning personal space, and these reactions are absent in persons in whom the amygdala is damaged bilaterally. Monkey mothers who have amygdala damage show a reduction in maternal behaviors towards their infants, often physically abusing or neglecting them. The acquisation of memory and knowledge has a bio-chemical basis. Psychoactive chemicals can be used to temporarily alter the mind through manipulation of neuro transmission. 
Evidence points out that mental development in individual organisms is parallel to brain development. In intelligent animals, human and non-human alike, consciousness as we know it begins to appear at neonatal stages, is lost and recovered sporadically in the course of their lifespan—during deep sleep, syncope and sometimes coma, as lack of communication between cerebral neurons—and is lost permanently once their brains are dead. Before the mind begins to form, the organism's consciousness does not exist, but is absent in the very same manner as it is after the organism dies.
The mind is the result of neural activity, which discontinues at brain death due to the massive premature death (necrosis) of cerebral neurons. In the process of clinical death, the heart stops working and pumping blood to the brain, thereby cutting the brain's essential supply of oxygen and of other less urgent nutrients. Measurable brain activity ends within 20 to 40 seconds. As characteristic of all biological cells, brain cells die once deprived of oxygenated blood, destroying the brain.

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Astronomers have claimed to have discovered a planet that may be capable of supporting human life. The planet is 22 light years away and is formally known as Gliese 581g. A study by astronomers at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and the Carnegie Institution of Washington shows that the planet is twice the size of earth. It is known as a ‘Super Earth’ due to its ability to hold on to its gassy atmosphere, which increases its chances of retaining liquid. Lead researcher Professor Vogt of the University of California said he named it ‘Zarmina’s World’ after his wife, and the planet has “churchly weather.” The scientists were not clear whether the liquid is frozen and stored under the surface or is flowing freely across the planet. The researchers have so far been unable to determine what the surface of the planet is like, Professor Vogt was quoted as saying. The planet exists in a band of perpetual twilight near its orbiting star known as the ‘Goldilocks Zone,’ an area near earth that is not too hot or cold, but is just right for sustaining life. This is not the first time Professor Vogt has claimed the existence of a habitable planet known as ‘HARPS’ (High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet). His findings back in 2010 sparked a fight between U.S. researchers and a rival team of Swiss astronomers.

Intelligent, Condescending Life Discovered In Distant Galaxy:

Marking a momentous leap forward in humankind's understanding of the universe, NASA scientists announced that they had received a radio transmission confirming the existence of intelligent, extremely condescending life in a galaxy nearly 13.8 billion light-years away. According to officials at the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, the message arrived several days after researchers sent a signal to the recently discovered URFy-32924369 galaxy. Members of a highly arrogant alien species responded, saying it was "nice to finally hear from [our] quaint planet" and that it "certainly took [humanity] long enough." The extraterrestrials explained they had intercepted NASA's transmission using their "far superior technology," because they did not want to "wait the intervening billions of years to receive a simple message from a species working within the laughable constraints of the speed of light." "We were extremely excited to have made contact with this highly advanced form of life, but it quickly became clear they're pretty big jerks," said NASA scientist Raymond Morrison, referring frequently to a 24-page transcript of the interstellar transmission filled with patronizing language and backhanded compliments. "After telling us they hadn't exactly been holding their breath waiting for us to figure out how to make contact with our 'charmingly simplistic devices,' they informed us they had studied our planet millennia ago but decided it was 'too hopelessly primitive to be worthwhile.'" According to NASA, the alien species described Earth's 78-percent nitrogen atmosphere as a "decent start," and said mankind had "come a long way in the past century, relatively speaking, considering it took [humans] a full 4 million years to walk upright." Scientists have expressed mix feelings about the landmark event, noting that while the thrilling discovery of intelligent alien life signals the dawning of a new age in our ability to answer fundamental questions about the very nature of existence, they had not expected an extraterrestrial species to be so dismissive of virtually every aspect of human life. "We sent them very peaceful, welcoming messages, and they responded by saying it was 'marvelous' that the human race had managed to sustain itself for so long without having made any noteworthy advances of any kind," Morrison said of the aliens, who described the physical appearance of humans with the phrase "interesting-looking, would be the most polite way to put it." "I mean, they weren't threatening us in any way, but they didn't have to be such pricks about everything." The contemptuous transmission casually discounts centuries of human achievement, with the aliens saying they could not believe mankind still deals with issues of disease and overpopulation. The message then goes on to openly mock humans' "pathetically short life spans." "When we sent them examples of our very best cultural offerings, they said they 'rather enjoyed the amusing little tinklings' of Mozart and the 'adorable scribblings' of Rembrandt,'" said Morrison, adding that his team will no longer transmit samples of music and art for the aliens to belittle. "They then said they could completely understand how our incredibly low intelligence and level of evolutionary development would allow us to enjoy such 'low-caliber' sensory stimuli." "They were absolutely relentless," Morrison continued. "I personally feel pretty terrible about myself right now." The NASA scientists noted, however, that the tone of the discourse changed dramatically after the aliens were sent images of a man jumping from ramps while riding a Kawasaki Jet Ski. "For some reason, when they saw this footage, we received a barrage of messages saying 'Hold on a second, what is that?' and 'Please, tell us everything about this Jet Ski,'" said Morrison, later reading several more excerpts from the transmission, among them, "How fast can the Jet Ski go?" and "Is the man riding the Jet Ski a king on your planet?" "They are evidently completely mesmerized by Jet Skis, and have offered us anything we want in exchange for the technology." At press time, NASA had received a transmission from the alien species in which they apologized for their earlier messages, saying they had "greatly underestimated the Keepers of the Jet Ski."

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