

The main kinds of aliens that most people speak of today are the Greys, the Reptilians and the Nordics.

The Greys

The most well-known of alien types, the grey alien is typically described as a very thin being with an oversized head compared to body size. They stand 3 ½ to 6 feet tall and weigh anywhere from 50 to 90 pounds.


Hollywood and science fiction novels have done a very good job of portraying images of the Grey’s appearance: large, bulbous forehead with bulging, unblinking eyes. Skin is pale gray and wrinkly. Those who have encountered this type of alien characterize their skin as having the texture of an ocean mammal like a dolphin or whale. There are no ears or indentations on the side of head where something that allows for hearing can be located. Some accounts have described them as having 3 to 4 fingers, webbed hands and feet.

Their primary method of communication seems to be through telepathy. Past alien encounter stories indicate that most people could hear them speaking in their mind or even just a sense of knowing what the Grey was communicating although no sound was coming from the alien’s mouth.

Star Map of Greys' Possible Origin

Betty Hill's Original Drawing & UFO Marjorie Fisher's star map
Betty Hill's Original Drawing & UFO Marjorie Fisher's star map

The origin of this type of alien being came from a star map drawn from abduction memories brought back during the hypnosis of Betty Hill. UFO researcher Marjorie Fish analyzed the information and came up with a hypothesis that the Grey aliens’ home base is a pair of stars known as Zeta Reticuli. The stars are about 220 trillion miles away from earth. Sometimes Greys have been also been called the Zeta Reticulans and Zeta Reticuli aliens.

For the most part, the Greys seem to be scientific observers interested in the study of other life forms in the universe. They perform tests and medical evaluations upon their human subjects and then free them.
The Grey Agenda
From other alien encounter stories, it has also been postulated that the Grey alien race is dying due to the fact that they were originally cloned by another race of alien called the Reptilians. The Reptilians apparently created the Greys and forced them into servitude. That is until the Grey aliens formed a rebellion and escaped to wander the universe thus finding their way to planet Earth. Conspiracy theorists also believe that the Greys were the ones originally found in Roswell, New Mexico, and that this species made an agreement with the U.S. government. They offered advanced technology in exchange for the ability to be able to experiment with human subjects through genetic engineering to prevent extinction of their race. This theory explains why the majority of alien encounter stories are usually about the Grey alien race.

The Reptilians

There are numerous theories about another race of aliens known as the Reptilians. One is that the Reptilian race comes from the constellation of Draco while another is that ancient astronauts seeded earth with Reptilian aliens so that we also have a subset of the species dwelling here on the earth since ancient times.

Reptilian Alien Description

Only about 20% of alien abductions account for Reptilian
encounters, but from these reports, the earth dwelling Reptilian beings or Reptoids are described as humanoid and stand about 6 to 9 feet tall. Their human like body is very muscular with long arms and legs, and each hand has 3 long fingers and one thumb. Their skin has dark green to brown scales. Apparently some reports say they also have tails.

The earth Reptoid’s facial features differ somewhat from the typical, more widely known grey alien. With a slightly cone-like head, they appear to have bony ridges beginning at the forehead all the way tow
ard the back of the skull. There are slits in the nasal area for breathing as well as slits where you would expect ears to be found. There are also two different descriptions of eyes. Both are large, however, some are colored black with pupils that have vertical slits (think lizards & snakes) while others are described as white with flaming slits for pupils.

The alien Reptilian alleged to originate from Draco differs from Reptoids, its earth dwelling relative. While their height is also between 6 and 9 feet, this alien species also has wings made of bone covered with scales that span 6 to 7 feet. Their body structure is similar to the earth Reptilian except they have been sighted with horns on their head and sometimes along the length of the spine. Certainly this description could easily fit the myth of dragons and winged gods found in ancient texts of Chinese, Greek and Indian origins.
Four dragon kings: Ao Ch'in, Ao Jun, Ao Kuang and Ao Shun.
Four dragon kings: Ao Ch'in, Ao Jun, Ao Kuang and Ao Shun.
Source: Javewu on Taoism

Ancient Texts about Reptilians?

Chinese – In Chinese mythology, dragons had the ability to shape shift into human form. Their kings were the dragon rulers of the four seas: north, south, east and west and similar to stories about Reptilians would attack the people without provocation. Temples of honor were built for these kings to appease them. (picture).


Greek – The first king of Athens was Cecrops I, who many said was half snake. In the Pergamum temple, images of men with the legs of serpents are prevalent. The Greek god of the north wind was Boreas, and he was described as having wings and legs made of serpents.
A Hoysala sculpture of a Naga couple.
A Hoysala sculpture of a Naga couple.
India – Indian scriptures cite the legend of the Naga, who were a reptilian people living underground and communicating with humans. They also referred to them as the Sarpa.

The Reptilian Agenda

Reptilian abductees claim that this alien type uses fear and force to coerce and intimidate their human captives. Conspiracy theories abound that the Reptilian is a malevolent group seeking dominion over not only our world but others all around the universe; that they cloned Grey aliens as a slave race and now plan to do the same to humans. Believers in this theory claim that the Reptilians live in the 3rd, 4th and 5th universal dimensions and feed on negative energy and also attempt to cause conflicts in our world.

David Icke, a British writer, believes that Reptilians have interbred with humans to form a sort of “elite” class that is now in power and infiltrated all governments, businesses, banking and even the royal families. They are apparently able to shape shift to hide their true identity. Their agenda is a take over of the planet by causing worldwide conflict so as to feed off the negative energy supplied from human misery & occupation as well as corrupting humanity with their evil intentions. The earth dwelling Reptoids supposedly dwell deep underground and in caves, and work toward interrupting the Draco Reptilian’s evil agenda to take over this world.

The Nordics

Described as humanoid extraterrestrials, the Nordics, also called Blondes, have a very human like appearance and stand anywhere from 5½ feet to 7 feet tall.


Nordic Alien Description

The Nordics always have blonde hair with light eyes. Most  typical shade of eye color is blue, however, reports have also described violet, pink, red, purple and green. Known to be in great physical shape and extremely attractive to humans, they can easily pass for human when seen from a distance. They communicate with telepathy and telekinesis.

Origin of the Nordics

The Nordics come from the Pleiades star cluster some 400 light years from Earth. Some of the first stories about these aliens came from Billy Meier of Switzerland, who claims he had several visits with them beginning in the 1940s. The majority of his information, however, comes from discussions made in the late 1970s, early 1980s with a female Pleiadian named Samjese. According to his story, their home planet is called Erra, which is in a different dimension than ours. They are an ancient humanoid race that discovered our planet in around 225,000 B.C. 

The Nordic Agenda

Nordics are silent watchers of Earth, and their purpose is to enlighten by providing spiritual revelation and warn humans about behaviors that could potentially lead to catastrophe including issues surrounding actions by the Grey aliens and Reptilians. Some proponents say that ideas within the New Age movement were given to us by the Nordics.

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